There is a point in fashion where it's just plain stupid. Same point to the wearer. Gaga needs to step out of the limelight for a while. She's over saturated at this point.
Gaga at London’s Heathrow Airport this morning(june 23rd 2010). via
All you have to do is look at a few pictures of Lady Gaga to know that the woman likes a good shoe. Correction: The girl likes high shoes. High, weird, and sometimes heel-less shoes.
How does she walk in them? And more importantly, where on earth does one get them? We weren’t surprised to see Gaga rocking the Alexander McQueen armadillo shoes in her Bad Romance video — but the 9-inch heel-less platforms we saw Gaga wearing in the Alejandro video? Those are on another level — literally. So much so that even Gaga couldn’t help but tumble over while leaving an airport. (story